How We XP
How We XP
How We XP is a book written by Gwyn ap Harri and Andy Sprakes about the school we have created, called XP.
This site contains all the resources we mention in the book. Where possible, we provide a repurposable template alongside an authentic model.
These resources are shared with the world as open source under the creative commons license of Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike which means that you can use, share and adapt these resources as long as you; give appropriate credit, re-share any adapted resources under the same license, and do not make any money out of them.
Remember: My worksheet is better than your worksheet!
The book
Treat yourself, your friends and your enemies by:
If you want a signed copy, visit our school and ask us! Or send the school an email if you want us to invoice you.
Thank you to our partners, Edge Foundation for trusting us and making this possible...
...and thank you to our giants across the pond for inspiring us and supporting us. EL schools & HTH
What we are playing with
Ofsted report - VIEW
XP School Trust accounts - VIEW
Good to Great and the Social Sectors - BOOK
Eating frogs - ETYMOLOGY
EEF 'research' - VIEW - Check out the POOR EVIDENCE STRENGTH ratings! How much is this costing us? I wonder what the impact versus cost is of the EEF? Why don't they publish that? Or is that too 'meta'..?
SAGA by Brian K. Vaughan - VIEW
Making good decisions
Design principles
EL Core Practices - VIEW
New Urban High School project - VIEW
Simple Rules - VIEW
Risks and how to mitigate them
XP School Trust - VIEW
Staff Induction
Dress Code - VIEW - MAKE A COPY
Catchbox microphone - VIEW
Character Traits & Habits of Work and Learning (HoWLs) - VIEW - MAKE A COPY
Mount Attendance poster - VIEW - TEXT - MAKE A COPY
A Narrative for Success - VIEW - MAKE A COPY
Promoting Good Behaviours - VIEW - MAKE A COPY
XP Curriculum
I could link to everything here that we mention in the book, but all our curriculum stuff is already in our curriculum website above. So go there instead!
For the expedition planning docs and templates, GO HERE!
Powerful Knowledge
Jeff Robin
Edge Foundation: All About Crew
Since September last year we've been delighted to collaborate with one of our partners, the Edge Foundation on the creation of this inspiring film, which captures the ethos of Crew At XP and XP East.
We join 11 of our Year 7 students, their teachers and Crew leader on their Outward Bound expedition. in the next few days together they will become a ‘Crew’ who stay together for the next five years of their school life.
The film also looks at the impact and experience of Crew across all our Year Groups on individual students, parents, GCSE results and the confidence, character and integrity that develops from being part of Crew.
Crew is at the heart of how we XP - pastoral care, family, mentoring, a hub of teamwork - but truly greater than the sum of its parts.
We Are Crew...
realsmart - VIEW - Your whole school online (Dynamic website, Google integration + portfolios etc)
Basecamp - VIEW - Their blog - Their books - Agile project management / productivity
GSuite for Education - VIEW - We use Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Sites, Classroom and the Jamboard app alongside Drive to store and share everything
SOS - We built our own Management Information System (MIS) for attendance, census, communication and conduct
Access Education Finance - VIEW - Cloud-based finance system
Chromebooks - VIEW - We use the Viglen Chromebook 360
Hegarty Maths - VIEW - The whole Maths curriculum online
Tassomai - VIEW - GCSE Science
Explain Everything - VIEW - Record concepts as videos using an iPad and Apple Pencil and upload to YouTube to uncover the curriculum
Padlet - VIEW - Quickly capture WAGOLLs (What A Good One Looks Like) and put them somewhere useful
Start careers - VIEW - Great careers platform, including online portfolio. Free! But pay for the teacher stuff because it's worth it
Other schools / organisations we mention in the book or work with
Springfield Renaissance in 2014
We finally got to meet Tom James in 2018
Other stuff
The Draughtsman Alehouse, Doncaster, UK
Judie's Restaurant, Amherst, USA - Home of the popover (...or Yorkshire Puddings)
Brewdog book - Business for Punks
Kathy Greeley - Why Fly That Way?
Pat Mills - Millsverse
2000AD - comics & merch
DfE - How to apply for a free school - Our original application for XP - Our original application for XP East
Me & Kathy in 2019